Student Achievement

Since its inception, we have invested in research to measure the impact of our pedagogy, demonstrating significant improvements in student learning outcomes.

We have invested in research from inception to measure the effectiveness of our pedagogy. 

The research to date shows that the strong improvement in learning outcomes is supported by:

Bibliography of Research Publications about the Manaiakalani  Programme

Peer reviewed academic journals and book chapters

2017 Evaluation of the Manaiakalani programme

Professor Stuart McNaughton, Director of the Woolf Fisher Research Centre (WFRC) and Chief Education Scientific Advisor for the Ministry of Education has noted:

"The evidence is that substantial acceleration occurred for students in years 4 to 10 when tracked over three years, especially in writing (which was the partnership focus between 2012 – 2014). If a child was continuously present in a Manaiakalani school, that is they got the full ‘dosage’, the rate of gain in writing was twice that expected nationally. This means that these students on average made one more year’s progress above the expected rate per year if they were there for three years. The accelerated rate for reading and maths, although lower at half a year’s additional gain, was still educationally significant."