Class onAir
Watch REAL teachers in REAL classrooms
Watch REAL teachers in REAL classrooms
Manaiakalani Class OnAir, is one way we have chosen to share our learning with each other.
Manaiakalani Class OnAir, is one way we have chosen to share our learning with each other.
Manaiakalani is a group or cluster of 13 schools in the Tāmaki Community, Auckland, New Zealand. This is the home of NZ's oldest government housing community and is occupied mostly by NZ Māori and people from the Pacific Island nations.
This community has partnered with their schools, the Manaiakalani Education Trust, Google & other providers to seek improved education outcomes.
We have worked together to provision our learners with ChromeBooks and iPads as core learning devices and have provided our community with the Tāmaki Learning Network, a wireless community mesh to enable all our learners and families to continue learning in their homes.